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Coach Jerry


May 1, 2024

THURSDAY 05/02/2024

As we head into a new week, let's use this fresh start as an opportunity to push yourself outside your comfort zone. Whether you're aiming to increase your strength, improve your endurance, or work towards a specific goal, remind yourself that consistency is key. Each time you show up this week brings you one step closer towards becoming the best version of yourself. Stay focused on your goals and allow those to keep you motivated when this week's fatigue and busyness comes. Tackle this week with determination and positivity knowing that your hard work will pay off! Let's crush each workout this week and make it the strongest one yet!

Up Coming Gym Events

Open Gym Times this Week - Saturday 8am-noon | Sunday 1-3pm
Memorial Day Murph 5/27

Whiteboard of the Day

Today, we have a couplet that combines moderately heavy hang squat cleans with bar muscle-ups.

Shoot to complete this one in under 12 minutes; advanced athletes should gun for closer to the 8-minute mark.

To do this, choose a hang squat clean load that you can move for 9 unbroken reps early in the workout with no more than 2 quick breaks as the workout progresses.

We’ll spend time before the workout drilling the bar muscle-up. Use this time to decide on a variation that allows you to complete each round in no more than 2 sets.

Stick around after the fun for some post-workout recovery!

Workout of the Day


6 rounds for time:

9 hang squat cleans (105/155 lb)

6 bar muscle-ups

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