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CrossFit ATP


February 28, 2024

Wednesday 02/28/2024

Friday Night Lights (FNL) is the most fun you will have working out all year, there are levels of workouts for everyone and everyone always agrees it is FUN!

Please be patient with us as we are doing some painting for the OPEN!

Up Coming Gym Events

March 1st
Friday Night Lights Kick Off Bash!
B.A.W Media
DJ Cruz
Food truck

Workouts for EVERY LEVEL at Friday Night Lights, and it is okay if you can't make all the events!

Whiteboard of the Day

Today, you’ll go for a 1-rep-max clean and jerk. Beginners will go for 2 reps each set at lighter loads, working on dialing in mechanics.
Start with a relatively heavy load and increase across as many of the 10 sets as possible.
Most of you should plan to begin your first set around 75% of your best clean and jerk.
Everyone should perform the squat clean and split jerk for each rep. Even if you can lift more with a different style, use today to practice these two movements at a lighter load.
Perform one set every 2 minutes, allowing at least 90 seconds to rest between each set.

For the metcon, perform the row in 30 sec or less and proceed to max hang squat cleans in remaining time each minute for 8 minutes.

Workout Of the Day


Every 2 minutes for 10 rounds:
1 clean and jerk

Metcon Of the Day

8 min EMOM:
8 cal row
max hang clean

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