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CrossFit ATP


March 7, 2024

Thursday 03/07/2024

We had an incredible turnout for the first FNL! Let's keep the momentum going for WEEK 2!!

Friday Night Lights (FNL) is the most fun you will have working out all year, there are levels of workouts for everyone and everyone always agrees it is FUN!

Whether you consider yourself a CrossFit newbie, enthusiast, fan, or community supporter, the CrossFit Open is for you. See you there!

Up Coming Gym Events

March 8th
Friday Night Lights Bash!
Food truck

Workouts for EVERY LEVEL at Friday Night Lights, and it is okay if you can't make all the events!

Whiteboard of the Day

This simple heavy day is structured with a tight work-to-rest ratio to challenge strength and stamina.
Begin at a load that is just barely challenging and build from there.
To successfully manage a large number of sets while going heavy, move the bar quickly while still keeping your legs straight and heels down.
As the loads get heavier, limit your jumps to 5-10 pounds at a time.
If you perform a set with a less-than-ideal technique, maintain or reduce the load to dial in fixes before putting more weight on the bar.
The hour will finish with a quick KB AMRAP. Weight on the farmers carries should be challenging, weight for overhead carry should be lighter to focus on OH stability.

Workout Of the Day


For load:
Shoulder press
– Perform a new set every 2:00.


50' double kb farmers carry
50' single kb oh carry
:20 plank hold

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