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Coach Jerry


April 24, 2024

THURSDAY 04/25/2024

This week, anticipate growth equal to the amount of hard work you are willing to put in. Each workout is a chance to push beyond your limits and become just a little better than you were the day before. Embrace the discomfort, for within it lies the catalyst for progress. Every round, every set, has the potential to improve your own strength and fitness. So, as you step into the gym this week, lean into the opportunity for profound growth, both inside and outside of the gym.

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Up Coming Gym Events

Open Gym Times this Week - Saturday 8am-noon | Sunday 1-3pm
Crowders Mountain Take Over - 4/28
Memorial Day Murph 5/27

Whiteboard of the Day

Today’s couplet pairs low and high-skill movements together with what will likely be some significant interference at the shoulders.

Choose a light, manageable wall-ball shot load so that you can string together sets of 8 or more at a time. If needed, reduce the load to finish 50 reps in under 4 minutes.

To preserve the muscle-up skill as much as possible, it’s ok to go for single reps as long as you can avoid consecutive failed reps.

If you don’t have a strict muscle-up, scale to a low-ring transition. Choose a difficulty level that allows no more than 3 reps before you need rest.

For those still building a foundational level of strength, substitute pull-ups and dips where you use your feet to provide minimal assistance throughout the entire range of motion.

Workout of the Day


For time:


Wall-ball shots (14/20 lb) (9/10 ft)


Strict muscle-ups



1 set:

30 V-ups

40 tuck-ups

50 hollow rocks

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