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CrossFit ATP


March 12, 2024

Wednesday 03/13/2024

With workouts designed to challenge and inspire, FNL is more than just a workout – it’s an opportunity to discover what you’re truly capable of. So, lace up those shoes, chalk up those hands, and get ready for the last week of the Open!

Friday Night Lights (FNL) is the most fun you will have working out all year, there are levels of workouts for everyone and everyone always agrees it is FUN! Workouts for EVERY LEVEL at Friday Night Lights, and it is okay if you can't make all the events!

Up Coming Gym Events

March 15th
Friday Night Lights Bash!
Food truck

Whiteboard of the Day

This is a fast triplet that is intended to be a sprint from start to finish.
Combining dumbbells and double-unders always challenges the grip, shoulders, and legs more than expected so prepare for the second and third rounds to quickly increase in difficulty.
Choose a dumbbell load that allows for 15 unbroken push presses with just a quick rest before moving right into 50 feet of unbroken lunges. Reduce loading to something that allows you to maximize speed without sacrificing technique.
The double-unders should not exceed 1 minute. Reduce volume to as few as 5 reps or scale to 50 single-unders to keep moving quickly.
For efficiency, try to sprint through the first round, start on the dumbbells without rest going into the second round, and hang on with very short rest breaks for the remainder of the workout.

Workout Of the Day


3 rounds for time:
15 DB push presses (35/50 lb)
50-ft DB front rack walking lunges
50 double-unders
– Use two DBs.

Skill Work

:10-:20 handstand hold

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