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April 8, 2024

TUESDAY 04/09/2024

This week, let's focus on the power of consistency and trusting the process. Every time we step into the gym, we have the opportunity to push ourselves, grow stronger, and conquer new challenges. So let's commit to showing up, giving it our all, and trusting that with time and dedication, we will see progress and results. Remember, it's not about being perfect, it's about putting in the effort and believing in ourselves. Let's crush this week!

Don't forget to fill out the member survey!

Up Coming Gym Events

Open Gym Times this Week - Saturday 8am-noon | Sunday 1-3pm
CrossFit ATP Guys Night - 4/20
Crowders Mountain Take Over - 4/28
Memorial Day Murph 5/27

Whiteboard of the Day

Today’s workout is a high-volume sprint; move as fast as you can within an 8-10 minute window.
The time domain for each of these movements is intentionally tight to ensure you move fast. Spend no more than 2:15 on the sit-ups and 1:15 on the deadlifts per round.
We’ll practice cycling both of these movements quickly in the warm-up and find scaling options as needed to ensure you can move well while moving quickly.
To maximize both speed and movement quality, reduce movement volume, deadlift load and/or sit-up difficulty by anchoring your feet to a pair of heavy dumbbells.
The workout will be capped at 10 minutes. Use this as motivation to scale the workout appropriately or push to move faster than you want to finish the workout.

Workout Of the Day


3 rounds for time:
50 sit-ups
30 deadlifts (95/135 lb)

Skill Work


21 GHD hip extensions
15 GHD back extensions
9 GHD hip and back extensions

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