CrossFit ATP's 2018 Nutrition Challenge"Beyond Paleo"This years nutrition challenge will NOT be paleo! The goal of this years challenge will be to spend 8 weeks challenging ourselves to eat in a way that supports athletic performance while not supporting body fat.
Entry Fee will be $40 CASH100% of the money will be given away as prize money to the winners (hence the "cash" part)
This year we will have 3 Divisions1)Women2)Men3)Performance (Metcon Based)
The top 3 people of each division will split the cash pool16.66% to each 1st place winner9.99% to each 2nd place winner6.66% to each 3rd place winner
How do you win?The quantitative metric for this years challenge will be percent change of the percentage of lean mass. We have a fancy scale that can measure the amount of muscle on a person. If you gain muscle, % muscle increasesIf you lose fat, % muscle increases
How do you learn how to eat?NUTRITION SEMINARS!we will have two1) Saturday 6/9 @ 12pm2) Wednesday 6/13 @ 7:30pm
What is the Start Date?the 8 weeks begin Monday 6/18 and terminates 8/6(8 weeks to change your life!)Last year we saw many AMAZING transformations, Lets Do It Again!
All participants must stand on our muscle measuring platform before the 18th and on the last day of challenge. CASH entry fee is due at the time of weigh-in. The gym is not keep any of the money, so we will not run credit cards.
EMOM 10Single Heavy Near Max Clean
20 Jumping Pull UpsASAP
AMRAP 84 T2B4 Pistols
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