Workout Of the Day
Strength Of the Day
Pull number is different than Position number
The first pull is when the barbell travels from the floor to our hip. The second pull is extension of the hip and driving upward on the bar. The third pull being the last time we are actually pulling on the bar and the last continuous effort to keep the bar going up as we are pulling our bodies underneath it.
Power Snatch
*Focus on the 1st Pull*
Words Of Wisdom From Wade:
("WOW - From Wade"? maybe "WOWFW"? we'll discuss)
The snatch is the only barbell lift where we can significantly increase our ability to lift heavier weight simply by training with a PVC pipe. The snatch is about efficient, direct (straight up) bar path, and our ability to move around the bar to both lift the bar up and to get under the bar. I'll say that again, we go around the bar, the bar does not go around us in a snatch or any olympic lift. When we perform a snatch with weight we must move with speed, this happens in milliseconds, we will not have the ability to think then act. Actually lifting heavy weight with a snatch relies on muscle memory; and not just how we move, but also how fast we move. Train how, then train doing it faster and then faster, hundreds of times over the years then take that hard earned muscle memory and go snatch your body weight. You will struggle to increase your ability to lift heavier by trying to lift heavier. You will increase that ability by having a stronger foundation to lift off of. The day I got my first ever body weight snatch I had been spending hours a week using a PVC pipe, a aluminum training bar, a empty 15kg, and a empty 20kg barbell and I rehearsed how to move with speed, power, and do so while maintaining movement integrity exactly as I was able to with a PVC pipe. Like I said a couple weeks ago to a few groups "if you can't do it perfectly with a PVC pipe, it's a ludicrous expectation that you will suddenly develop that ability while trying to lift heavy weight at top speed.
Get a body weight snatch and you can name any barbell anything you want for the rest of that barbell's life.
Metcon Of th e Day
9 Pull Ups *
9 KBS **
9 Slam Balls ***
This is a MetCon with movements that are both compounding and complimentary!
*Grip + Lats + Hips+Core
**Grip + Hips+Core
Post Times, Loads, Pictures and Words of Wisdom to BTW