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CrossFit ATP


August 16, 2023

Wednesday 08/16/2023

Sign Up For the afternoon 6:30pm WOD!!

Stimulus Of the Day

Moderate barbell loading.

Break up the shoulder-to-overhead reps as needed. One partner works at a time.

Expect localized muscle fatigue between the two movements.

Whiteboard Of the Day

Today is an opportunity to work with a buddy to complete a task.

You will break up the shoulder-to-overheads as needed and then perform the burpees together.

The synchronization of the burpees occurs on the ground of each rep. So, both of you will need to meet on the floor before getting to the other side of the barbell.

Use a weight of the shoulder-to-overhead so that you can perform 4-6 reps unbroken. You should each only have to pick up the barbell once.

When performing shoulder-to-overheads, use a push press and/or push jerk.

Strength Of the Day

Strict Press

Metcon Of the Day

AMRAP 15 with a partner:
10 shoulder-to-overheads (105/155 lb)
15 synchronized bar-facing burpees

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