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CrossFit ATP


July 26, 2023

Wednesday 07/26/2023

Stimulus Of the Day

Runs in less than 4:00, bear crawl in 1:00-1:30, and moderately heavy KB swings in :45-1:00 in 1-2 sets each round.

Whiteboard Of the Day

Get ready for a midline workout that will test your stamina under fatigue from the longer runs.

Don’t let the bear crawl fool you; this is a tough movement. Try to maintain whatever variation you choose at the start of the workout and don’t let your hips gradually move higher as you fatigue.

Choose a KB load that you can move for no more than 2 sets each round.

Maintain a steady pace on the runs, keep moving, and have fun grinding this one out!

Strength Of the Day


Metcon Of the Day

3 rounds for time:
Run 800 m
100-ft bear crawl (grizzly)
30 Russian KB swings (53/70 lb)

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