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CrossFit ATP


May 23, 2023

Wednesday 05/24/2023

Unfortunately next week, Coach Wade has to unexpectedly leave town. I am extremely sorry for this but due to this unforeseen travel the normal schedule will be slightly altered some days next week depending on available coverage for each workout. In the history of CrossFit ATP this has never happened before and I am very sorry for any inconvenience but will return at the end of the week next week and everything will resume as normal. The pool party and Murph are not affected. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation, I sincerely apologize.

Workout Of the Day

Stimulus Of The Day

Complete the row in 2:00-3:30.

The overhead squat load should be light-to-moderate and allow athletes to finish in 3:00-5:00.

Prior to starting the workout, athletes must demonstrate 10 unbroken squats and 10 unbroken DB snatches.

Whiteboard Of the Day

Fun chipper-style workout.

Challenge yourself to push the pace on the rower, but expect the barbell to feel a little heavier than you would hope.

The loading on the barbell and dumbbell should allow you to perform at least 10 reps at a time.

Don’t get caught looking at the barbell and/or dumbbell for too long as you rest. Challenge yourself to keep moving and chipping away at the reps. Once you are done, you are done!

Following the workout, we will spend some time focusing on our midline strength and stamina.

Lifting Of the Day

For time:
50 calorie row
50 overhead squats (75/115 lb)
50 alternating DB snatches (35/50 lb)

Accessory Of the Day

3:00 weighted plank hold (35/45 lb)

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