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CrossFit ATP
November 6, 2018
Tuesday 11/06/2018
MARK YOUR CALENDARSFriendsgiving will be November 17thThis will be our biggest and most fun event of the year!I will have Midwood Smoke House smoke us 2-3 Turkeys.Sign up to bring a dish to share with everyone.The celebration will be BYOB (and BYO-Uber please)There will be a ton of food & fun!We encourage everyone to bring their Friends & Loved OnesWe will eat, play games, and have a blast.The Party will start at 7pm.Ask anyone who came last year how much fun it was!*RSVP on the sign up sheet*
Split Jerk4-4-4-2-2-2-1-1-1(same weight across each meso-set)
3 Super Sets of:10 Cat Backs10 GHD Back Extensions
AMRAP 105 Deficit Push Ups (45's)10 AMSU20 DU (2:1 SU:DU)
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