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CrossFit ATP


August 22, 2023

Tuesday 08/22/2023

Stimulus Of the Day

Complete a new set once every 4:00.

Start around 70% of your 1-rep-max push press and build to a heavy set.

10+ handstand push-ups for the first 3 rounds.

Begin the handstand push-ups within :30 of finishing each set of push presses.

Intentional movement redundancy to build strength.

Whiteboard Of the Day

This heavy day places the burden of low-rep, heavy pressing with high-rep gymnastics pressing for a unique challenge and strength building.

Start around 70% of your best push press and build to a 3-rep-max.

Along the way, you’ll complete a max, unbroken set of handstand push-ups within :30 of your push presses.

Despite knowing that doing more handstand push-ups may limit overall loading, today’s stimulus is strength under fatigue. So, push the handstand push-ups as far as you can safely go!

The handstand push-ups will be scaled to pike handstand push-ups on the box to maintain the same range of motion while building strict strength. Avoid stacking mats to reduce the range of motion.

Skill Of the Day

Inverted Overhead Pressing

Strength Of the Day

5 sets for load and reps:
Every 4:00, complete:
3 push presses
Immediately following your final push press, complete a single max set of handstand push-ups.

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