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CrossFit ATP


May 12, 2020

Tuesday 05/12/2020


Zoom WOD Details

Zoom WOD's
12noon ONLY

Group Video Zoom Workout will be at 12noon

Join URL:

Meeting ID: 599-787-653

Zoom WODs may call for equipment some people do not have, text coach BEFORE 4:30pm to ask how to modify it! ALL are encouraged to participate!

Workout Of the Day

We will do all three parts on zoom together!

Warm Up

400m Run

Strength Of the Day

Dead Lift

Metcon Of the Day

Sprint Intervals
Telephone Phones!!
(This one one of my favorites as a middle schooler and high schooler)

10 Intervals:

find a main road with telephone/electric poles

Sprint** ALL OUT from one pole to the next
Walk from that pole to the Next
Sprint** ALL OUT from that pole to the next
Walk from that pole to the Next
Repeat 10 times
(sprint** and walk 10x don't forget to walk the last one its not healthy for your heart to sprint then stop moving, sprint then walk then stop)
**sprint = 100% max effort**

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