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CrossFit ATP


July 13, 2023

Thursday 07/13/2023

This Saturday 10:30am
CrossFit ATP is hosting an open community workout put on by a community group. The workout is opened to anyone in the neighborhood that wants to try a special CrossFit class to see what it's all about!
No 11am WOD Saturday

Stimulus Of the Day

Fun midline taxing partner workout where partners trade-off in small chunks to keep moving.

Rows done in 4:00-5:00; carries done in 3:00-5:00; GHD sit-ups done in 4:00-6:00.

Whiteboard Of the Day

We’ve got a fun partner workout today that will significantly tax your midline.

Shoot to get the rows done in 4:00-5:00, carries done in 3:00-5:00, and GHD sit-ups done in 4:00-6:00. Scale accordingly to hit these goals.

Partner up and plan to trade off working sets in small chunks with quick transitions to avoid midline failure and long breaks.

Use either DBs, KBs, a bag, or a D-ball for the front carry to reach the total prescribed load.

Encourage your partner, utilize that built-in rest time, and hit this one hard!

Team Metcon Of the Day

For time with a partner:
1,000-m row
400-m weighted front carry (70/100 lb)
100 GHD sit-ups
400-m weighted front carry
1,000-m row

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