Unfortunately next week, Coach Wade has to unexpectedly leave town. I am extremely sorry for this but due to this unforeseen travel the normal schedule will be slightly altered some days next week depending on available coverage for each workout. In the history of CrossFit ATP this has never happened before and I am very sorry for any inconvenience but will return at the end of the week next week and everything will resume as normal. The pool party and Murph are not affected. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation, I sincerely apologize.
Workout Of the Day
Stimulus Of The Day
Runs in less than 5:00.
7 Muscle-ups in less than 3:00.
Rounds of 5 and 3 muscle-ups in less than 2:00 each.
Whiteboard Of the Day
Today’s workout is about performing a challenging upper-body pull and push without any momentum.
Not everyone will be able to do the strict muscle-ups, but there are A LOT of different ways to train that stimulus with a set of low rings.
We’ll use a progression in the warm-up that includes different angles and foot positions to increase or decrease the difficulty of the muscle-up transition.
After working through that progression, choose a variation that can only be done for 2-3 reps in a row and requires :20-:30 of rest between sets.
Choose something challenging enough to build strength but also that allows you to string together at least some reps.
The runs should be fast to balance out the rest between reps during the muscle-ups. Hit each run hard, especially the last one once done with the muscle-ups!
Metcon Of the Day
For time:
7 strict muscle-ups
800-m run
5 strict muscle-ups
800-m run
3 strict muscle-ups
800-m run