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Coach Amanda


May 15, 2024

THURSDAY 05/16/2024

It's a new week- a new set of 7 days to get after our goals inside and outside of the gym! Each day provides a new opportunity for you to prove to yourself that you can do hard things. Going beyond the pre-conceived limits we have set for ourselves, we can get stronger and healthier with every workout. The good thing is we don't have to try to do this alone. So head on into the gym, and allow your community to challenge and push you towards a better version of yourself. Together, let's conquer the week and prove that we are unstoppable!

New T-Shirts have arrived! Pre-orders are waiting for you in the lobby. There are more available for purchase at the gym.


CFATP Yoga | Every Wednesday @ 6:30 PM starting Wednesday 5/22

Memorial Day Murph | 5/27

Member Appreciation Week | 5/27 - 6/1

Open Gym Times this Week | Saturday 8am-noon + Sunday 1-3pm

Whiteboard of the Day

This workout might seem like an easier version of Fran, but the higher volume and dumbbells provide the challenge.

Difficulty level will largely be dependent on squat and/or overhead mobility.

With a total of 72 reps of each movement, juxtaposed to Fran’s 45, the time frame will be longer. You should finish between 5-12 minutes.

We’ll test out 10 unbroken thrusters in the warm-up to ensure your chosen load allows for a set of 10 quality reps.

Your first set of pull-ups shouldn’t take longer than 2 minutes from start to finish. Scale volume to maintain this stimulus.

If you cannot perform 5 or more pull-ups in the warm-up, scale to jumping pull-ups to practice higher-paced pull-up scaling.

Workout of the Day


For time:


DB thrusters (20/35 lb)


– Use two DBs.

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