Introducing TRACKS!
We are going to be offering you tracks you can follow in addition to the daily WODs. In BTWB you can now find home workouts, extra lifting, and extra volume (compete track), these tracks are for people who want a little extra to do on their own outside the normal group workouts.
but how will I find the time????
Members who opt in and submit an application can gain access to our CrossFit Gym 24 hours a day, 7 Days a week! There will be a small additional fee of $25/month for 24 hour access to cover the cost of the company who will be facilitating this awesome service! The company we are partnering with Hybrid AF (athlete foundation) is going to be allowing members who pass a background check access to our facility whenever they want!
What about this new gym we see being built?
The Athletic Club!
Coach Wade has formed a new company (we are in the process of acquiring the name that we want to use for it) which is subletting the back gym from CrossFit ATP. This is the gym that has all the machines in it. While this gym is a separate business from CrossFit ATP we are going to offer CrossFit members half of memberships! Currently the plan is Athletic Club memberships by itself will run close to $200/month but people who have a CrossFit membership will get 50% off while maintaining an active CrossFit membership.
We have some more awesome things in the works for our community so stay tuned!!
Workout Of the Day
Strimulus Of The Day
Use the same deadlift load (70% or more) for all 6 sets.
Every deadlift set should be challenging, but unbroken.
6+ muscle-ups every round.
Score is both the heaviest deadlift load and total muscle-ups completed
Whiteboard Of the Day
Target score | 36+ Reps
This couplet should feel like a combination of a heavy day and skill work.
The intent is to use a heavy load that feels challenging across all deadlifts and is a challenge to complete unbroken.
Then, under the fatigue of the deadlift, we work on muscle-up endurance by accumulating as many reps as possible until 2:00 and resting 1:00 between sets.
Choose a load that feels heavy, but good for the first few sets and that you expect to become difficult in the final 3 sets.
We’ll practice muscle-up technique on the low rings, work on swinging on the high rings, and figure out the most difficult variation of a muscle-up that can be sustained and perform that in the workout.
Metcon Of the Day
For Reps
6 x 2:00 min rounds:
5 deadlifts (heavy)
Max muscle-ups in the remaining time
– Rest 1:00 between rounds.
– Score both the deadlift and muscle-up (reps)