Everyone has been amazing and supportive during this tough time!
If you haven't heard (please check your email) we decided to close the gym for two weeks last night, then the county health manager mandated gyms close for 30 days. So we are going virtual! starting Monday we are going to be offering a afternoon group WOD on Zoom. Details will be announced in tomorrows WOD BLOG. Starting Monday too we will be programing two styles of workouts. One with just body weight movements. The second will be Body Weight + Wall Ball + Kettle Bell, we have encouraged people to purchase a 14" medicine ball and a kettle bell to use while quarantined.
At Home
Workout Of the Day
Write your score on something and text a picture of it to Coach Wade.
Strength Of the Day
Straight Arm Plank
Rest for 3minutes
Forearm Arm Plank
Spend 5 minutes at the top of a push up position trying to accumulate as many second in that 5 minutes as you can holing that position. Rest for 3 minutes. Then repeat with a forearm plank accumulating as many seconds as possible.
Add the total seconds from both planks as your total score!
Yesterdays push ups should have you ready for this challenge!
Metcon Of the Day
no set distance, no set time.
The Rx is:
"Leave your phone, and your headphones at home. "
Get lost in your thoughts, enjoy the weather, and your surroundings.
The Metcon score is for completion.
Don't be afraid to be in your own head!
When we train high level athletes who are used to working out with music it's often a surprise to them when they hear that we want them to train like they play, without music. This is a fun and even an addictive practice once you get comfortable with being alone with your thoughts. You can solve so many of life's problems, and even learn amazing things about yourself.
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