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CrossFit ATP


June 10, 2023

Saturday 06/10/2023

Stimulus Of the Day

10+ rounds.

All out sprint + built-in rest.

Loading on both the sled and the dumbbell should allow for unbroken reps.

Each sled push should take no longer than :45.

One partner works at a time; once one partner completes a full round, the other completes a round, etc.

Whiteboard Of the Day

Today is a fun partner workout.

While one partner completes an entire round, the other partner rests. Because of the rest, each round in this workout should be a sprint.

The loading on the sled should be something that allows you to keep moving. You should be able to complete each sled push in :45 or less. Depending on the type of sled and the surface you are pushing it on, the load will vary. Focus more on the stimulus than the load on the sled.

You should all be able to go unbroken on the DB snatches for the entire workout.

Accessory Of the Day

5 sets for best distance:
Triple broad jump
Rest as needed between attempts.

Metcon Of the Day

AMRAP 20 with a partner:
100-ft sled push
12 alt. DB snatches (35/50 lb)
100-ft sled push

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