Equipment Rental Program STARTS TODAY
We are rolling out an equipment rental program over the weekend!!!! Check your email for details on how to support the gym to pay its rent with the equipment rental program!
If you have questions please text Wade (704) 277-5878
To schedule a time to pick up equipment text Wade!
At Home
Workout Of the Day
We will post pictures of people doing the previous day's WOD on instagram, post your scores in comments!
Strength Of the Day
Feet On High Object Push Ups
Find a book or a table or a bed to put your feet on that makes 6 push ups super challenging. Put your feet on the highest object you can find that makes 6 pushups challenging.
Metcon Of the Day
5 Burpees
15 Pillow Thrusters (yes pillow)
...thats it, those two movements, lets see how fast you can move?! 25 rounds anyone?
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