Workout Of the Day
Strimulus Of The Day
Complete sets of toes-to-bars in 3 sets or less.
Keep moving on the box jump-overs.
Consider stepping down to conserve heart rate.
Whiteboard Of the Day
Today’s workout is a higher-rep workout with descending sets, intended to allow you to keep moving at a relatively fast pace.
The pairing of toes-to-bar and box jump-overs is likely to fatigue the hip flexors and make the toes-to-bars unusually challenging. Use this as inspiration to be disciplined and intentional with your kip swing.
If you have some toes-to-bars, we’ll scale the reps today to enable you to complete your rounds in 3 sets or less. If you’re still working on that skill, we can adjust to knees to chest or kipping knee raises.
It’s important to complete the box jump-overs with zero failed reps, so be sure to select a box height that you are able to complete with confidence and focus through all 7 rounds.
Prior to starting the workout, we will spend some time working on developing and refining the toes-to-bars skill as efficient movement will enable you to chip away at these sets today.
Skill Of the Day
Toes 2 Bar Progression
Metcon Of the Day
For time:
Box jump-overs (24/30 in)
Post WOD
2:00 GHD superman hold