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CrossFit ATP


April 13, 2020

Monday 04/13/2020

Zoom WOD's
12noon & 6pm

Text & Tag us in your workout photos!

Zoom WOD Details

Group Video Zoom Workout will be at 12noon 6pm

Join URL:

Meeting ID: 599-787-653

Zoom WODs may call for equipment some people do not have, text coach BEFORE 4:30pm to ask how to modify it! ALL are encouraged to participate!

Workout Of the Day

We will do all three parts on zoom together!

Warm Up

In Order:
100 Jump Ropes
10 Sampson Stretches
10 Side Lunges
10 Figure 4 Squats
10 Duck Squats

Strength Of the Day

Back or Front Squat

Metcon Of the Day

50 Sit Ups
10 Dead Lifts
50 DU/Jumping Jacks

Post Times, Loads, and Words of Wisdom to Comments

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