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CrossFit ATP


September 8, 2023

Friday 09/08/2023

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Whiteboard Of the Day

Today is heavy on gymnastics skills, both before and during the workout.

We will practice handstand holds in the warm-up. This skill work is intended to also wake up the shoulders and core before the workout.

Prior to the workout, everyone will practice getting their hips close to the bar with a low bar turnover drill, whether or not you have pull-ups.

You need to be able to finish the burpee box jumps in under :35 and get at least one bar muscle-up/minute to tackle it as prescribed.

Reduce the box height/reps to get them done in under :35. If you don’t have bar muscle-ups, scale to jumping bar muscle-ups and then to jumping pull-ups or ring rows if needed.

Skill Of the Day

:10-:20 handstand hold

Metcon Of the Day

Max *X*
Perform 6 burpee box jumps (20/24 in) at the start of each minute including the start of the workout.
X can be:
Bar Muscle Up
Assisted Bar MU
Jumping BMU
Chest to Bar Pull Ups
Jumping Pull Ups

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