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CrossFit ATP


August 31, 2023

Friday 09/01/2023

Hybrid CrossFit Hours & Athletic Club Hours Start Next Week!
Stay tuned to the blog!

Holiday Hours

Labor Day
Monday 9am Only
Hero WOD

Whiteboard Of the Day

We’ve got a fast chipper today that you should expect to complete in 6:00-10:00.

Select moderately light loads that you can break into as few sets as possible.

Some advanced athletes will be able to complete this workout with minimal to no rest, while most will need to break each movement up into 3-5 sets.

It’ll be key for this one to find that line of holding on with larger sets without hitting the point where your technique begins to degrade

After the workout, we’ll have some fun with KB suitcase carries.

Metcon Of the Day

For time:
30 deadlifts (155/225 lb)
40 wall-ball shots (14/20 lb) (9/10 ft)
50 KB swings (35/53 lb)

Accessory Of the Day

For completion:
200-m KB suitcase carry, left
200-m KB suitcase carry, right
– Rest as needed, but not more than 2 times per 200 m.

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