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CrossFit ATP


August 6, 2021

Friday 08/06/2021

Regarding BTWB

Beyond The White Board (BTWB) our new gym workout tracking app, is a powerful analytical tool to help new and advanced athletes track and visualize their progress over time. BTWB is not a leaderboard app like SugarWOD or WODify who's main function is to rank athletes on each WOD. BTWB does let you see how your fellow gym buddies did so that you can give them likes and comments on their hard work but its something you would have to click into to see and scores are not sorted according to the fastest or heaviest, but rather by the order they are uploaded. This is because the main purpose of BTWB is to go beyond what a typical white board can do and calculate power output and work capacity, identify imbalances in training, and highlight personal strengths and weakness. the more data you input into BTWB the more information about your performance it will feed you. IT'S REALLY COOL!

Workout Of the Day 

Strength Of the Day

Split Jerk

Metcon Of the Day

200m Run
10 Power Cleans
15 Slam Balls
20 Russian Twist (with slam ball from "v" position)

Post Times, Weights, and Words of Wisdom to BTWB

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