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CrossFit ATP


July 14, 2023

Friday 07/14/2023

This Saturday 10:30am
CrossFit ATP is hosting an open community workout put on by a community group. The workout is opened to anyone in the neighborhood that wants to try a special CrossFit class to see what it's all about!
No 11am WOD Saturday

Stimulus Of the Day

2-4 rounds, 2-3 rounds, and 1-3 rounds for each respective AMRAP.

High-skill bodyweight movements.

Increasing complexity as volume decreases.

Don't game the three AMRAPs; push the pace early and face the challenge of performing bar muscle-ups with a pre-fatigued upper body.

Whiteboard Of the Day

Today’s workout is a series of AMRAPs with increasing difficulty in upper-body pulling.

The single-leg squats and double-unders are challenging as well, but the primary focus is the pull-up progression.

The intent of the workout is to scale the squats and jump rope to allow for SPEED and to modify the pull-up progressions to prioritize improving skill.

Everyone will likely do something a little different, but all should be to move fast and in large sets on the first two AMRAPs.

For those who can perform 6 chest-to-bar pull-ups easily, a jumping bar muscle-up might be a better scale. If not, do 9 unbroken kipping pull-ups and 6 unbroken chest-to-bar pull-ups for the 2nd and 3rd AMRAPs to build strength and skill.

Metcon Of the Day

10 alternating single-leg squats
30 double-unders
15 pull-ups

10 alternating single-leg squats
30 double-unders
12 chest-to-bar pull-ups

10 alternating single-leg squats
30 double-unders
9 bar muscle-ups

**Rest 1:00 between AMRAPs**

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