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CrossFit ATP


June 2, 2023

Friday 06/02/2023

Workout Of the Day

Stimulus Of The Day

Quick couplet with a stimulus similar to Fran.

This will get grippy!

Hang power snatches should feel moderately light at a weight that allows for unbroken sets, although athletes may strategically choose to break these up at no more than 3 sets per round.

Whiteboard Of the Day

We have a fun FAST classic CrossFit couplet today!

This one will get spicy quickly and might be over before you realize what just happened.

Shoot for large, if not unbroken, sets for both movements.

If you begin to struggle with your grip, break up the toes-to-bar just enough to avoid pushing to failure.

We’ll spend time in the warm-up drilling toes-to-bar. If this is a movement you’re uncomfortable with, use today to work on a weakness and try to master a new skill.

Get ready to push hard and experience the infamous “Fran lung.”

We’ll spend some time before the workout today building to a heavier 3-rep hang power snatch.

Accessory Of the Day

Every 2:00 for 6 rounds:
3 hang power snatches

Metcon Of the Day

For time:
Hang power snatches (65/95 lb)

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