Equipment Rental Program
We are going to roll out an equipment rental program over the weekend. Keep an eye out for an email tomorrow with details on how to support the gym to pay its rent with the equipment rental program.
At Home
Workout Of the Day
We will post pictures of people doing the previous day's WOD on instagram, post your scores in comments!
Strength Of the Day
Front Squats
Find a heavy object hold it infant of you and squat 20 times.
Dog, Dog Food, And other non dog related objects, anything goes!
Post the approximate weight of the object and text or tag us in a picture of you doing your FUNCTIONAL front squats!
Metcon Of the Day
Odd Object Dead Lift**
Odd Object Front Squat
**If your object is large take a wider stance, most important thing is FLAT BACK**
Post what your object was and what your time was on the instagram picture of the first person who send a picture of them doing the WOD.
Post Times, Loads, and Words of Wisdom to Comments